Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Insights from Mitch Albom's books

The conversations I have with my brother are always insightful to me. Everytime we have a conversation, I will gain insights on life.

In the previous conversation we had, we talked about books, this time we talked about Mitch Albom's books. Both of us already read three of Mitch Albom's books, "The Five People You Meet In Heaven", "Tuesdays With Morrie", and "For One More Day".

And my brother shared his opinion on Mitch Albom's books with me. He said to me that his books is telling us an important message, which is to do what we want to do while we can, to say what we want to say while we can.

As we can see, in three of his books, we read about unsaid words and unexpressed feelings.

In "The Five People You Meet In Heaven", the 83 year-old Eddie came to know about the things that he done wrongly to the people that he didn't even know only when he is in the heaven, he came to know that there are unresolved feelings with his loved ones only when he is in the heaven, he came to know his meaning to others only when he is in the heaven.
He forgave, he gave thanks, he blessed the people he met in the heaven and moved on. Finally, after the five meetings, all the unresolved issues which he brought with him are resolved, the unsaid words and unexpressed feelings are expressed to his loved ones.

In "Tuesdays With Morrie", Morrie teaches us to forgive. And he shared with us a lesson he learnt from his life. He resented a friend for not visiting him when his wife was going through the recovery of an illness. And his resentment were for years. But, when he forgave the friend and wanted to see his friend again, his friend is no longer here. So, learn to forgive ourselves and forgive others while we can. For the readers, we learn to forgive ourselves and to forgive others. Well, to forgive and to be forgiven is just one of the many meaningful and life-changing messages.

In "For One More Day", the suicide of Chick Benetto drawn him once again to the modest home in which he grew up, and to his surprise, his mother is still in the house. During the day he spent with his mother, Chick Benetto regretted for the things he had done to his mother, wife and daughter. He regretted for not living his life positively. He regretted for being a coward. He regretted for not expressing his feelings. And he remembered the times his mother stood up for him and the times he let her down.
After spending a day with his mother(actually the time he is being rescued), he is no longer regretting and resenting over the past, and instead, he chose to start living positively.

All these stories and the life experience of Professor Morrie are actually teaching and reminding us to give life a proactive approach.
If you have unsaid words, speak up. If you have unexpressed feelings, express yourself.
The time is now. All of our power is in the now.

"It's never too late to do something, the time is now."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery-

PS. Everyone gets different messages and insights from a book, if you are also a reader of Mitch Albom's books, feel free to share your opinion. If you are not a reader of Mitch Albom's books, I urge you to read his books. You won't regret reading his books.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What Are We Grateful For?

"The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more you will have to express gratitude for."
-Zig Ziglar-

Since we are small, we all are being taught to say 'thank you' whenever we receive something. Well, saying 'thank you' is not just to show that we have good manner, or just a matter of etiquette. There is deeper meaning in saying 'thank you', that is, to acknowledge and give thanks heartily to what we receive. By being grateful, we all come to know that there are so much of well-being in our lives, there are so many good things that are around us, sustaining us, feeding us, contributing to our growth and expansion.

The things that we can be grateful for are countless.
The list is endless, forever expanding.

"And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude."
-Wallace D Wattles-

Do you realise that when you are being grateful, you feel so wonderful, everything goes well?
Do you realise that when you give thanks sincerely, you receive more of what you are thankful for?

Yes, indeed. It must be that way. It is designed that way. It is law.

When you grateful for what you have sincerely, you're actually sending out signals of "give me more of that" to the universe, and you receive more of that.
Think about this.

When you give thanks sincerely and are grateful for someone when he/she gives you something, what happens?
He/she wants to give more.

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."
-Oprah Winfrey-

Instead of taking things for granted, let's start give thanks to everything that contributes to our lives, growth and expansion.

All we have to do is to open our eyes and look, there are so many things that is contributing to our good lives.
It can be the LCD monitor you're looking at right now.
It can be the mouse you're using to scroll down the page right now.
It can be the electricity supply you're using now.
It can be the internet access that we have, for it provides us the platform to get the world connected a-click-away.
It can be the blogger server, for it provides a platform for us to blog.

Inspired by Rhonda Byrne, I started to write my gratitude journal every night before I sleep. I would start by writing "Today I'm grateful for__________".
Do you feel inspired to write your own as well?
Also, thank you for reading my blog.

"The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore it tends to become the best. It takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best."
-Wallace D Wattles-

Friday, October 10, 2008

Message To Readers

First of all, welcome to my blog and thank you for visiting my blog.

The blog is named Passion For Life, as the blog is meant to share the passion of life, by the means of sharing and providing of experience, opinion, insights, information, knowledge, and etc.

In this blog, principally, I’ll be writing my views on life experience and book review. I also wish to write about the topics related to my studies and short stories, especially fables. From time to time, I’ll be thinking and looking for new elements to add on my blog.

I’m also thinking of the idea of “Theme of The Month” and similar elements like “Topic of The Week”, we can choose a topic to be concentrated upon and to be studied in-depth for a month, say, great people biographies, through this we can know their characteristics, their philosophy, their achievements, their contribution and etc. Or, for example, philosophy (the philosophers, the history and development of philosophy, the influence and impact of philosophy), music (the elements of music, the icons of music, the history and development of a particular genre of music), literature (genres of literature, icons of a particular genre of literature) and etc.

There are many themes can be studied here, it would be good if the themes being studied can teach us some good lessons. For this, I would like to invite you, as readers, to share related information on the themes being studied. Thank you.

This will be my first article in the blog, may I be always feeling motivated to write the blog, with passion!

Have fun! Let's start the journey!